For any type of travel, having exact and timely data is crucial. The changes happen frequently as the aviation world depends closely on the weather. Strong wind, rain, fog might cause a delay and cost you waiting time that could be spent on other important things.
That’s why we offer to make a bookmark with the Web address of our Glasgow airport departures board. You can access it anytime and anywhere with Internet access. Use this simple tool to keep tracking your flight!

How to Check the Departure Time Online?
Planning to fly from GLA airport? Fast and easy-to-access information on Glasgow departures is always on our website. The flights are grouped into a separate online board, with their status explicitly shown. You can browse the whole table checking the flight status (e.g. to catch another flight instead of the cancelled one) or have a particular flight displayed solely. Each flight on the board is marked with one of five statuses:
The flight status is regularly updated on the Glasgow airport live departures page. It’s based on the reliable data received from official GLA source. By keeping up with flight status, you can change or cancel appointments, plan your time before the departure, amend your schedule in the destination city, and so on.
The Glasgow flight departures board is organized in the way to let you quickly find the needed data. All the crucial information can be caught at a glance:

Checking in
The procedure for departures at Glasgow airport is quite standard. First, you need to find your check-in desk. Look for this data on GLA information boards or ask a staff member. The Assistance Service can help you check-in if you need it.
In order to check-in for a flight, you need to show your ticket or flight reservation number and your travel document (passport and visa, if required). After checking the documents, the officer will ask you to put your bag on a scale, upon which it will be dispatched to your plane. The weight limit is defined by the airline chosen for current Glasgow departures.
The online check-in is a good alternative, especially if you have no baggage (hand luggage is permitted). Simply take a print-out check-in confirmation and proceed to the area of Glasgow airport departures through the Security zone.

Entering the security zone, you have to scan your boarding card. An airport staff member will assist you if needed. Then, you’ll have to proceed to the search area on your way to Glasgow flight departures zone.
In the search zone, you’ll be asked to put your outerwear and the hand luggage on the tray, and (optionally) your shoes on another tray. Any liquid should be taken out of the luggage. The belts and electronic devices like laptops should be also put on a tray. Next, the trays will be X-ray examined.
By rules for departures at Glasgow airport, you have to go through the scanner and might be asked to undergo the hand search. Don’t hesitate to apply to the airport staff for assistance and remember that you can always ask for a private search.
Upon scanning and collecting your articles, you’re free to leave the security area and proceed to the Departures one. Don’t rush at any point of check-in / security procedures; having the Glasgow airport live departures tool in your smartphone or laptop, you’ll be able to control your timing and feel confident about your flight.